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   How Do You Transform Your Physique (Beginner’s Edition)

If you have started going to gym recently but don’t know what do with your body, this article is for you. Many of the beginners think that going to gym is all about lifting some weight and eating like shit and they will get their desired physique. Well, our body physiology doesn’t work like this. You have to have proper knowledge about your current body status. You have to have a clear vision of your dream physique. But the most important thing among all of them is patience. Ok let’s come to the topic, so first of all you should find out your fat percentage either by instrument or by using calculation formulae.

 If your fat percentage is above than average then your main goal should be targeting the fats and dropping them down.

And, if your fat percentage is equal or less than average then your main goal should be muscle building.

Main Goal: Muscle Building

You should focus on lifting heavy. Try to include compound exercises as many as possible to your workout routine. Full body workouts are also very important. Progressive Overload is one of the main key factors of weight and strength training. High Volume workouts will be beneficial as they will give you that 3D pump you will be looking for. On the other hand, nutrition plays an equal role as workout. Eat more than your daily calorie need or maintenance calorie. You can build muscle in a caloric deficit but it is an advanced topic. Eating at a caloric surplus doesn’t mean that you should eat whatever you like to fulfill your calorie need. You should eat clean and healthy by that I mean a balanced diet full of healthy carbs, high quality protein and good quality fats. Try to divide your daily food into five or more meals. Pre and post workout meals are very important.  Hydration is also very important. Drink at least 4 litres of water daily. Take 2-3 days as recovery or rest days in a week.

Keeping everything in mind, and following them consistently,  you must give yourself at least 3-4 months time to see noticeable changes in your body. Discipline, consistency are the pillars to success.

Main Goal: Fat loss

You should be eating in a caloric deficit diet i.e. eating less than your daily calorie need. That’s when your body will burn the stored fats to maintain the daily caloric requirement. Cardio must be your best friend. As your heart rate gets high, your blood flow will increase and you will be burning more calories than exercising at normal heart rate. But never do cardio before weight training. You can do it immediately after your weight training or you can do it separately at a specific time. Add HIIT High Intensity Interval Training cardio to your training session. Full body workouts and Compound exercises are also very beneficial to observe faster results. Low Intensity Steady State Cardio or LISS after heavy weight training will target your stored fats to give energy as your body will be run out of energy sources because all the nutrients you have consumed before is used. Stay in a low carb high protein diet. Restrict High Glycemic Carbs or simple carbs like white rice, potato, Sugary foods. Your Carbs intake should be come from Complex carbs or Low Glycemic Carbs like Oats, Sweet Potato, Brown Rice etc. You can eat Simple carbs right after your workout to replenish your glycogen. Moderate amount of fats should be taken.

Training 6 days a week for atleast 2 months is necessary to accomplish your result.

Supplements which will be beneficial for a Complete Transformation  (*optional)

Whey Protein(Blend or Isolate), Creatine, Fish Oil, Beta-Alanine, L- Carnitine with CLA, L-Glutamine, BCAA’s, Calcium, Magnesium, a Multivitamin and minerals Support.  

                        THANK YOU


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